Подробнее о настройках и параметрах графиков в Lets-plot: https://github.com/JetBrains/lets-plot-kotlin/blob/master/docs/guide/user_guide.ipynb
'''lets_plot(eyes) + stat_count() + ggsize(500,300)'''
[[Файл:I04n3zFx68s.jpg |600px|thumb|center|]]
val rand = java.util.Random()
'''val rand = java.util.Random()''' '''val data = mapOf<String, Any>(''' ''' "rating" to List(200) { rand.nextGaussian() } + List(200) { rand.nextGaussian() * 1.5 + 1.5 },''' ''' "cond" to List(200) { "A" } + List(200) { "B" }''' ''' )''' '''var p = lets_plot(data)''' '''p += geom_density(color="dark_green", alpha=.3) {x="rating"; fill="cond"}''' '''p + ggsize(500, 250)'''
[[Файл:2-_1xADOor0.jpg |700px|thumb|center|]]
'''lets_plot(mapOf(''' '''"date" to usages.select("DateTime").collectAsList().map{(it[0] as Timestamp).getTime()},''' '''"usage" to usages.select("users").collectAsList().map{it[0]}''' ''')) +''' '''geom_bar(stat = Stat.identity){x = "date"; y = "usage"; fill ="usage"} +''' '''scale_x_datetime() +''' '''scale_fill_hue()+''' '''qqsize(800, 400)'''
[[Файл:YG1W2uqtTSc.jpg |700px|thumb|center|]]
'''Библиотека Kravis'''
'''%use kravis, krangl ''' '''val sleepData = DataFrame.fromJson("data.json"). ''' '''.addColumn("rem_proportion") { it["sleep_rem"] / it["sleep_total"] } ''' '''.plot(x = "sleep_total", y = "rem_proportion", color = "vore", size = "brainwt") ''' ''' .geomPoint(alpha = 0.7) ''' ''' .guides(size = LegendType.none) ''' ''' .title("Correlation between dream and total sleep time") '''
[[Файл:YKNvj0bWuO8.jpg |700px|thumb|center|]]