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Левосторонние красно-чёрные деревья

13 байт добавлено, 12:15, 14 марта 2018
'''if''' (isRed(h.right))
h = rotateLeft(h);
'''if''' (isRed(h.left) '''&& ''' isRed(h.left.left))
h = rotateRight(h);
'''if''' (isRed(h.left) '''&& ''' isRed(h.right))
'''return''' h;
f cient implementation of the delete operation is a challenge in many symbol-table implementa- tions, and red-black trees are no exception. Industrial-strength implementations run to over 100 lines of code, and text books generally describe the operation in terms of detailed case studies, eschewing full implementations. Guibas and Sedgewick presented a delete implementation in [7], but it is not fully speci ed and depends on a call-by-reference approach not commonly found in modern code. The most popular method in common use is based on a parent pointers (see [6]), which adds substantial overhead and does not reduce the number of cases to be handled.
