Welcome to the Northern Eurasia Regional Contests!
The ICPC, the “International Collegiate Programming Contest”, is an extra-curricular, competitive programming sport for students at universities around the world. ICPC competitions provide gifted students opportunities to interact, demonstrate, and improve their teamwork, programming, and problem-solving process. The ICPC is a global platform for academia, industry, and community to shine the spotlight on and raise the aspirations of the next generation of computing professionals as they pursue excellence.
Northern Eurasia Finals 2023-2023 is scheduled for December 11-13, 2023 and will be collocated with Russia Team Open, High School Programming Contest! Save the date!
Добро пожаловать на соревнования студенческого командного чемпионата мира по программированию ICPC в Северной Евразии!
В сезоне 2023-2024, финальные соревнования Северной Евразии пройдут одновременно с ВКОШП с 11 по 13 декабря!
Расписание региональных соревнований
Видеоинструкция по регистрации.
Текущие результаты основного тура:
- Northern Eurasia Finals Standings
- Astana Site Standings
- St. Petersburg Site Standings
- Kutaisi Site Standings
- Novosibirsk Site Standings
Условия основного тура: